PRogramAR: Augmented Reality End-User Robot Programming

By Bryce Ikeda in HRI Tutorials

January 1, 2024

In this video I demonstrate how I utilize Augmented Reality and Trigger-Action Programming to provide end-users with the means to program their own reactive robot programs. I also have a repository for my code that can be found here. During this project, I learned quite a bit about how to build a system on the backend and frontend. I also experimented with scriptable objects within Unity. Scriptable objects are great because they can be used for sharing data across assets. You can also edit them in the inspector and the data persists across game sessions. It is a really cool feature in Unity that I may or may not have overused.

Posted on:
January 1, 2024
1 minute read, 111 words
HRI Tutorials
Hololens2 ROS Unity
See Also:
Running ROS in Docker on WSL2 and Connecting to Unity
Bridging the HoloLens 2 to ROS Running on WSL2
Updated - Unity Robotics Hub (HoloLens 2)