The Spot Robot in Unity Controlled Using ROS
By Bryce Ikeda in Tutorials
January 17, 2022
Edit If you run the unity_data_conversion launch script in ros and the SpotScene (Along with the other launch files talked about at the end of the video), the movement is better because I have foot collisions as well as model states publishing to the controller scripts. With the linear velocity set to 10 and the angular velocity set to 1.5, it moves more normally but still drifts to the left.
I’ve seen some people asking on Unity Robotics Hub how to get the spot working so here is how I did it a while back using ROS to control its movements in Unity. At the end I show the spot robot controlled using the files from spot simulation but it isn’t fully working. Also, I’m still playing with the stiffness, damping and force values of the spot robot to get it moving more naturally. Let me know if you are able to make any improvements on what I have so far! Also, the audio isn’t the best but hopefully the content helps.